
How to build B2B sales in a digital world. Tisel Technics’ experience.

How to create a B2B strategy

A B2B company’s digital strategy should not be detached from the overall development system. The result of building sales in the B2B sphere should be a system that covers absolutely everything from strategy development to final sales. The specialists of Tisel Technics who deal exclusively with B2B sales worked out their own ideal way to the system. The result is a unique system e-marketing concept that seamlessly integrates the various tools of digital marketing. Its advantages over the classic approach are based on the following factors:

  • Identification of ineffective sources of advertising.
  • Search for new sources of customers.
  • Analysis of the life cycle of customers and identifying untargeted customers.
  • Continuous customer education.
  • Work with generated and ungenerated demand.
  • Increasing revenues at the expense of competitors’ clients and unformed demand.

That is, it is not necessary to look for ways to reduce costs and expenses, to find more financially profitable sources of audience attraction and to focus on increasing the number of closed deals by any means. It is important to learn how to work with customers and prove the value and importance of your product. It is necessary to clearly understand who our client is and who is not. We need to help customers to close existing needs. Then the need for aggressive sales disappears, customers come by themselves with a clear understanding that it is your company that will solve their problem.

The path to an e-marketing system includes six steps:

  1. Developing a strategy.
  2. Developing a website.
  3. Setting up analytics.
  4. Search engine marketing.
  5. Internet advertising campaigns.
  6. Content marketing.

As you can see, the strategy is only the “tip of the iceberg,” but it is also preceded by a huge pool of work. Then begins the long and multi-step journey to implement the strategy, and only at the end of this journey we can talk about sales. It is long, difficult, but effective – with the competent implementation of systematic electronic marketing a constant and systematic growth in the number of customers is provided without spending significant money on advertising and pseudo-marketing activities.