
Consulting sales

At Tisel Technics we produce quite complex material handling, taking into account many nuances and technologies, offering specific products for particular tasks and customer needs. Our dealers have to consider definitely the specifics of sales of material handling, and one of the ways of increasing the number of applications is the consultative sales. In this article, we will tell you how to do them and what benefits they provide.

So, consultative selling is a way to sell not only a product or service, but a solution to the customer’s problem. It requires the seller to deeply understand the needs, motives and goals of the customer, and to have the ability to offer him the best option available in the market.

They consist of four basic steps:

  1. Positioning yourself as an expert and trusted advisor. In this step, you must demonstrate your competence in the area in which you work, as well as your interest in the success of the client. You can use various tools such as content marketing, social media, recommendations and testimonials to establish your reputation and attract the attention of potential buyers.
  2. Research the customer’s needs and concerns. In this step, you should ask open-ended questions to find out what your interlocutors really cares about, what their goals, pains and expectations are. You should listen actively and attentively, and reflect and confirm what you hear. You should seek to understand not only what the customers want to buy, but also why they want to buy it.
  3. Providing a customized solution. In this step, you must offer the customer a solution that best fits their needs and problems. You have to explain how your product or service will help him achieve the desired result, what benefits he will get from cooperation with you, and what guarantees you give. You should also take into account the objections and doubts of the client and be able to resolve them.
  4. Conclusion of the deal. At this stage you must convince the client that he makes the right decision when he chooses you. You must lead him to close the deal using various closing techniques, such as a call to action, time or quantity constraints, alternative choices, or summarizing.

Consultative selling has many benefits for the seller and the buyer, but most importantly, it increases customers loyalty and satisfaction because they feel that they are listened to and understood, and they get a solution that really works for them.