
Creating a culture of innovation

Search for new growth points of the company

In our understanding, among the factors of the company’s sustainable growth, one of the main ones is the creation of a culture of constant innovation. What is it? – It is an incentive for business to make sure that the corporate culture really encourages innovative behavior and does not suppress it. The difficulty lies in the fact that culture is a very personal thing, which can vary depending on the company, industry and region.

However, in any case, it is useful for management to look inside the company and see whether their employees and processes act more as factors contributing to innovation and, as a result, the growth of the company, or as bottlenecks. Every company should look at itself often enough to figure out how it can build its innovation culture in a way that suits it.

Justified risk

Many companies believe that innovation is risky because you are investing in something that is likely to fail. Yes, this is quite possible, but we at Tisel Technics will give you useful information to reduce the risk of such situations – try to use more innovative experiments on a smaller scale, which means that you can conduct significantly more similar experiments, much faster, but at a lower cost. The secret is to make it as easy as possible for people to try these experiments on themselves.


When it should be used: as often as possible, it is necessary to give your employees who have an idea the opportunity to “try it out” in a focus group or conduct an initial experiment in the market. Thus, without incurring serious financial expenses, your company will be able to integrate such practices into the corporate culture quite easily. We hope that our recommendations will help you on the way to a successful and prosperous company.