
How to create a successful business in the new realities

Our company is very appreciative of all our partners, together with whom we develop the material handling industry and the logistics industry as a whole. Some of these companies are relatively new to the business and have recently entered the market. And together with Tisel Technics they have made great progress. We also welcome those who are only looking at this market. And we’re here to help you in growing your company. But how do you start your business from scratch and make it profitable, sustainable in an environment of constant change and competition? In this article we will tell you about the most important aspects of creating a successful business in 2023.

Target Audience

Determine your target audience and the problem you’re solving. For your business to be in demand, you need to know who you are offering your product or service to, what their needs and pains are, and how you can help them. Research the market, conduct surveys, analyze your competitors, and find your unique value.

Business Plan

Develop your business plan and financial model. A business plan is a document in which you describe your business idea, goals, strategy, resources and risks. It will help you structure your thoughts, attract investors and partners, and monitor the progress of your project. The financial model is a calculation of how much money you need to start and grow your business, what your income and expenses will be, and when you will reach the break-even point.

Legal nuances

Choose the right legal form and register your business. Depending on what type of business you intend to run, how many founders you have, and what taxes you want to pay, you can choose one legal form for your business, depending on the laws of the country you plan to do business in, etc. Once you choose a legal form, you must register your business with the IRS and obtain all necessary licenses and permits.


Create your product or service and test it on real customers. Before you launch your business to its full potential, you need to make sure that your product or service solves your target audience’s problem and gets them interested and willing to buy. To do this, you can create a minimum viable product (MVP) – a simple version of your product or service that contains only basic features – and get feedback from real customers. This will help you improve your product or service, avoid mistakes, and save time and money.