
Innovations in the sale of warehouse equipment as a potential for business development.

Changing the format of sales

A global trend in the industry is moving from offline to online. More and more customers are buying goods from the comfort of their homes – through websites and mobile applications. According to the Association of Internet Commerce Companies, e-commerce audience in the European Union is already 220 million people, it is people who have made at least one purchase online during the last year. ACIT notes that if the level of services will remain high, and the range is wide enough, the reorientation of buyers to online will continue. Therefore, organizations are striving to improve online platforms: increase the speed of loading and processing requests, adjust the collection of data on visitors, expand remote payment options.

Expanding Online Presence

According to the Digital Commerce 360 survey, 76% of retailers planned to increase their investment in technology in 2023. Some have gone further and reduced their offline presence as much as possible. For example, some stores have been replaced by showrooms, which feature a limited number of products: the customer can peruse the range and then place an order online. Showrooms do not require a large area or many employees, which allows retailers to reduce the cost of doing business. The consultancy company “Deloitte” foresees a further development of the trend: with the spread of virtual reality headsets stores may completely move into consumers’ homes.

Social networks

Another trend concerns channels of communication between sellers and buyers. The number of phone calls is decreasing, and communication in social networks and messengers is coming to the fore. Chat-bots help optimize customer service: they not only answer cliched questions and redirect customers to technical support staff, but also help them make the right choice of product.