
Overview of new technologies in warehouse equipment

Future technologies in warehouse and transport logistics

It seems that working in a warehouse in the future will resemble the plots of science fiction films – and this is not the opinion of futurologists and not the fantasies of gadget lovers. Already today, large Western companies are investing heavily in innovations that provide more convenient, accurate and safe performance of all operations. These technologies are already being tested today and, perhaps, in 5–10 years they will be widely used in logistics centers and hubs.

Warehouse robotization

In December 2022, Tisel Technics announced that it was testing a robotic warehouse as part of a pilot project at its distribution center in Leipzig. This project does not involve the modernization of all equipment, but simply adds machines with artificial intelligence to the work of the warehouse, which make fewer mistakes than a person and perfectly endure heavy loads. So far, this technology is too expensive, but it is planned to be introduced within two years. Robots are equipped with a visual perception system, thanks to which they can freely move around the warehouse, maneuvering between people and equipment, thereby ensuring complete navigation safety for themselves and others.

According to the company, robots are a flexible solution for automating logistics processes in existing warehouses, as they can increase productivity without the need to restructure enterprises. Therefore, stand-alone devices are being tested to automate and speed up routine operations in mail order picking. The released employees of the company can deal with more complex tasks.

Strategic advantages in an increasingly complex digital environment

The company said that autonomous logistics robots navigate in space using stereoscopic cameras. Using artificial intelligence, they create and store a map of the surrounding space. At the same time, these machines are capable of moving loads weighing up to 800 kg and have a quick battery change system that significantly reduces downtime. Our machines perceive the world the same way we do, processing visual data and understanding what surrounds them … This is a technological leap. Self-driving machines powered by vision and artificial intelligence will succeed where technology has failed before – they will become ubiquitous in industrial settings