
The job of an executive in a growing business

A growing business is not only a big opportunity, but also a big challenge. How do you manage a team that is constantly changing and expanding? How to optimize your time and not to lose focus on the main tasks? How to deal with difficult employees and maintain effective teamwork? In this article we want to share our experience and strategies that helped us in training beginner managers, who later became better leaders in their departments in Tisel Technics business.

People who share the company philosophy

Hire the right people. This is perhaps the most important advice we can offer. The right people are those who share your philosophy and values, who are willing to learn and grow, who are able to take responsibility and initiative, who are able to work as a team and trust each other. Don’t just trust your intuition when selecting candidates, but test their competencies and motivation in practice. Use different methods of assessment: tests, case studies, interviews with different team members. Don’t be afraid to ask tough questions and learn more about the person: his experience, achievements, goals, problems. Remember the WYSIATI principle: what you see is what you get. Don’t jump to conclusions based on first impressions or recommendations.


Optimize your time. An executive in a growing business is an orchestrator person who must manage everything: strategy, operations, control, feedback, development. But time is a finite resource that must be allocated wisely. How can you do that? First, determine your priorities: what is important for achieving your business goals and your personal growth? Second, plan your day: make a list of tasks for each day and week, estimate the time to accomplish them, allocate blocks of time to work on them. Third, delegate: don’t try to do everything yourself, but delegate some of the tasks to your subordinates or colleagues. This will not only free up your time for more important things, but will also increase trust and responsibility in the team.


Develop your team. The team is your greatest asset in a growing business. For your team to work efficiently and in harmony, you must constantly take care of its development. We’ll tell you more in the next article on our website.