
Types of traction batteries

Today I will touch on a topical and nuanced topic dedicated to the choice of batteries for forklifts. Those who are “in the know” know well that a well-chosen traction battery can ensure uninterrupted operation of equipment, which in turn allows not only to ensure uninterrupted operation of loading and unloading operations, but also to reduce equipment downtime.

Over a long time of working with forklifts, I have accumulated a lot of experience working with batteries, so in this article I will talk about what types there are, how they differ from each other, about the nuances and pitfalls that should be taken into account “BEFORE” purchases

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Types of batteries

First, I’ll say a few words about what you (as a buyer) can find on the market:

1. Lead-acid.

This type of battery is refilled with an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid once and “forever” directly at the production stage. At the same time, it must be maintained: as the electrolyte evaporates, distilled water will need to be added. Lead-acid batteries (in comparison with other types) are the most budget option. The key disadvantage is sensitivity to temperature changes. ZIBO batteries have proven themselves well here.

2. Alkaline.

Almost never found on sale. A solution of potassium hydroxide is used as the active substance. The key disadvantage is that the solution needs to be added periodically, and this is an additional expense (disproportionate to that of distilled water). However, it has a key advantage – resistance to strong temperature changes. It is also short circuit resistant.

3. Gel.

Quite common on the market. They have good technical characteristics. Subject to proper operating conditions, they can last for many years. The key disadvantage is that constant undercharging of the battery also leads to a decrease in battery life. However, excessive charges have a negative impact on service life.

If we put together all the pros and cons of the four types of batteries, then in our conditions the most optimal solution would be to purchase lithium-ion batteries. This argument is supported by:

Reliability proven in practice;
No maintenance costs;
Resistance to temperature changes;
Long service life.
Today there are many manufacturers of lithium batteries on the market: some are better, some are worse. Among the proven ones, I can highlight EIKTO, which my clients often order.

Things to consider BEFORE purchasing

This is a very important point, I draw your close attention to it.

Deciding on the type of battery is not enough here. It is extremely important to take into account other important parameters:

Weight. It is very important to provide for the minimum permissible weight of the battery so that the loader works properly.
Voltage in Volts. Here you also need to focus on the technical characteristics of the loader. There are batteries for 24 and 48 and 80 Volts.
Capacity. Saving on this parameter is to your own detriment. Less capacious batteries are cheaper, but insufficient capacity can fail – the forklift may not have enough charge to carry out the planned work.
Compatibility with loader connectors. I believe this point does not require further clarification.
Dimensions. Look at these parameters in the technical documentation. A large battery may simply not fit, and a smaller one may be in an unstable position.
Supplier reliability. Here as everywhere else. If the supplier is reliable and proven, the risk of encountering counterfeits tends to zero, as well as vice versa. Moreover: a reliable supplier provides a guarantee and the possibility of service – this is an important parameter.